Saluto Social Privacy Policy

Last Updated: August 31, 2023

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Collected Information
  3. Use of Information
  4. Sharing of Information
  5. Cookies and Similar Technologies
  6. Data Security
  7. Your Rights
  8. Contact and Questions
  9. Changes to the Policy

1. Introduction:

Welcome to the Saluto Social Privacy Policy! Here, we will explain in detail how we collect, use, share, and protect your personal information when you use our platform and services. We are committed to ensuring the security and privacy of your data, while providing you with control over your information. We recommend reading this policy carefully and reaching out to our Data Protection Officer (DPO) in case of any questions.

2. Collected Information:

We collect information that you provide to us when creating an account, such as your name, email address, date of birth, and profile photo. We also collect information you voluntarily share on the platform, including posts, comments, and groups you engage with.

3. Use of Information:

The information we collect is used to personalize your experience on the platform by suggesting relevant connections and content. We also utilize the data to improve our services, analyze trends, and enhance platform functionality.

4. Sharing of Information:

We do not share your personal information with third parties for marketing purposes. However, we may share information with business partners for analysis and platform enhancement purposes. We may also share information in response to legal processes, government requests, or to protect our rights.

5. Cookies and Similar Technologies:

We use cookies and similar technologies to enhance user experience and gather information about platform usage. You can control the use of cookies through your browser settings.

6. Data Security:

We have implemented security measures to protect your information against unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction. Encryption is used to safeguard information during transmission.

7. Your Rights:

You have the right to access, correct, update, and delete your personal information. You can also opt to receive communications from us or request the deletion of your account.

8. Contact and Questions:

For questions regarding this policy or your personal information, please contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) at

9. Changes to the Policy:

We may update this policy periodically to reflect changes in the platform and data protection laws. Significant changes will be communicated, and your consent may be sought, if necessary.

This privacy policy aims to provide a comprehensive view of our commitment to privacy and security of your personal data. We thank you for trusting Saluto Social as your cultural connection platform and are here to ensure your information is treated with the highest standards of care and respect.